Trait 1 | Trait 2 | Trait 3 | Trait 4 |
Impulsive |
Patriotic |
Resourceful |
Uncompromising |
Trait 1 Officers | Trait 2 Officers | Trait 3 Officers | Trait 4 Officers |
Beckett Mariner
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases Attack of all Officers on the ship Ranks: 5%/ 10%/ 15%/ 25%/ 30%
Lower Deck Ability
Increase ship's Weapon Damage |
Captain Ability
Increase repair speed on this ship if it is a Battleship
Officer Ability
Increase ship's max Hull Health if it is a Battleship Ranks: 20%/ 30%/ 40%/ 50%/ 60%
Lower Deck Ability
Strike Team La'an
Captain Ability
While on Battleship in PvP, if opponent is burning, at the start of each round, increase number of shots
Officer Ability
While on Battleship in PvP each time ship hits with a weapon % chance of burning for 3 rounds Ranks: 60%/ 65%/ 72%/ 80%/ 90%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Mining speed (Concentrated Latinum)
Officer Ability
Increase Mining Speed Ranks: 25%/ 30%/ 40%/ 45%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
TOS Kirk
Captain Ability
Increase Energy damage by Officer defence, per round cumulative when ship has Morale
Officer Ability
Chance to give Morale at the start of the round if ship health is above 30% of stating value Ranks: 75%/ 80%/ 85%/ 90%/ 95%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase the effectiveness of all Officer Abilities that trigger in combat
Officer Ability
Increase Ship XP earned Ranks: 20%/ 30%/ 40%/ 50%/ 60%
Lower Deck Ability
Ent-E Riker
Captain Ability
Increases your ship's base Impulse Speed
Officer Ability
Increases Critical Hit Chance for 4 rounds each time you score a hit (Once per weapon) Ranks: 2%/ 4%/ 6%/ 8%/ 10%
Lower Deck Ability
Strike Team Una
Captain Ability
While in combat with player Explorer, increase all officer stats
Officer Ability
While on Battleship in PvP Decreases Shield Mitigation each round Ranks: 25%/ 27%/ 30%/ 34%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Michael Burnham
Captain Ability
Increase Impulse Speed
Officer Ability
Decrease opponent's SHP by % Crew's Attack Ranks: 30%/ 55%/ 85%/ 300%/ 450%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Critical Hit Damage while cloaked
Officer Ability
Decrease enemy player's Critical Hit Chance every time the ship scores a hit Ranks: 2%/ 3%/ 4%/ 5%/ 6%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Protected Cargo
Officer Ability
Increase Mining Speed Ranks: 80%/ 100%/ 120%/ 140%/ 160%
Lower Deck Ability
PIC Riker
Captain Ability
At the start of round, chance to apply Burning for 3 rounds against player ships
Officer Ability
Increases Weapon Damage on combat start against player Battleships for the duration of combat Ranks: 500%/ 900%/ 1500%/ 2200%/ 3000%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase all officer stats when the ship has Morale
Officer Ability
Chance to inspire Morale to his ship for 2 rounds Ranks: 50%/ 60%/ 70%/ 75%/ 80%
Lower Deck Ability
Alonzo Freeman
Captain Ability
Flag Officer
Officer Ability
Increases Cargo Size of the ship Ranks: 20%/ 35%/ 40%/ 45%/ 55%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases Federation, Romulan and Klingon reputation gained from defeating hostiles |
Ent-E Picard
Captain Ability
Increases the rewards gained from Hostiles and Armadas
Officer Ability
Increases Isolytic Cascade Damage for 3 rounds each time you hit an non-Armada Hostile (once per weapon) Ranks: 3%/ 5%/ 7%/ 10%/ 15%
Lower Deck Ability
Alonzo Freeman
Captain Ability
Flag Officer
Officer Ability
Increases Cargo Size of the ship Ranks: 20%/ 35%/ 40%/ 45%/ 55%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases Federation, Romulan and Klingon reputation gained from defeating hostiles |
Captain Ability
Increase damage against Battleships
Officer Ability
Decrease the opponents Hull Health each turn while it is burning Ranks: 5%/ 6%/ 7%/ 8%/ 10%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW James Kirk
Captain Ability
Reduces enemy Shield Mitigation vs non-Armada Hostiles
Officer Ability
Increases base Weapon Damage vs non-Armada Hostiles Ranks: 200%/ 600%/ 1200%/ 2000%/ 3500%
Lower Deck Ability
Changeling Kira
Captain Ability
Decreases hit chance of Cardassian Armadas (Cumulative)
Officer Ability
Decreases Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge of Armadas Ranks: 10%/ 13%/ 18%/ 25%/ 35%
Lower Deck Ability
Changeling Kira
Captain Ability
Decreases hit chance of Cardassian Armadas (Cumulative)
Officer Ability
Decreases Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge of Armadas Ranks: 10%/ 13%/ 18%/ 25%/ 35%
Lower Deck Ability
Hoshi Sato
Captain Ability
Chain of Command
Officer Ability
Increases Cargo Size of the ship Ranks: 20%/ 30%/ 35%/ 45%/ 55%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases Gas mining speed |
William T. Riker
Captain Ability
Increases Weapon Damage against Armada Targets (Cumulative)
Officer Ability
Increases Damage against Federation Hostiles and Armadas Ranks: 100%/ 150%/ 200%/ 250%/ 300%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Chance to cause burning for 1 round when ship is hit
Officer Ability
Increase Damage against Federation by % of crew's Defence Ranks: 25%/ 35%/ 75%/ 175%/ 500%
Lower Deck Ability
Harry Kim
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases all positive Reputation gains Ranks: 7%/ 10%/ 15%/ 20%/ 30%
Lower Deck Ability
Chance to apply Morale to non-player or Armada for 1 round |
Captain Ability
Decrease opponents Critical Hit Chance when receiving a critical hit
Officer Ability
Decrease Opponent's Weapon damage Ranks: 30%/ 40%/ 50%/ 60%/ 70%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Accuracy, Armor Piercing and Shield Piercing against stronger ships.
Officer Ability
Increase Damage each time the ship gets hit Ranks: 6%/ 7%/ 8%/ 9%/ 10%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW Pelia
Captain Ability
Chain of Command
Officer Ability
Reduces Isolytic Damage received from non-Armada hostiles Ranks: 2%/ 5%/ 10%/ 15%/ 20%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases Isolytic Defence |
Captain Ability
Increase Weapon Damage
Officer Ability
Increase Armor by Crew Attack Ranks: 200%/ 500%/ 800%/ 1100%/ 1400%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Decrease the shield Health of the opponent's ship each round
Officer Ability
Increase Damage to Romulans by % of crew's Health Ranks: 25%/ 35%/ 75%/ 175%/ 500%
Lower Deck Ability
Increase ship's Weapon Damage |
SNW Uhura
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Uhura increases critical hit damage
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by % of total Defense when attacking hostile Battleships from an Interceptor Ranks: 500%/ 800%/ 1100%/ 1400%/ 1800%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Critical Hit Chance against Hostiles and Armadas
Officer Ability
When fighting Non-Player targets, including Mission Hostiles, Increase Penetration. Ranks: 60%/ 120%/ 180%/ 240%/ 300%
Lower Deck Ability
TOS Uhura
Captain Ability
Decrease opponent player's Critical hit chance if ship has Morale
Officer Ability
Decrease opponent player's shield Mitigation if ship has Morale Ranks: 8%/ 10%/ 12%/ 16%/ 20%
Lower Deck Ability
Wesley Crusher
Captain Ability
Increase Damage against Hostiles and Armadas
Officer Ability
Increases own stats Ranks: 20%/ 40%/ 70%/ 100%/ 200%
Lower Deck Ability
Michael Burnham
Captain Ability
Increase Impulse Speed
Officer Ability
Decrease opponent's SHP by % Crew's Attack Ranks: 30%/ 55%/ 85%/ 300%/ 450%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Mining Speed (Gas)
Officer Ability
Increase Protected Cargo Ranks: 50%/ 100%/ 150%/ 200%/ 300%
Lower Deck Ability
Dixon Hill
Captain Ability
On a Case
Officer Ability
While Defending a mining node, reduces Shield Mitigation every round (Cumulative) Ranks: 5%/ 7%/ 10%/ 15%/ 20%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases Mining Speed |
Captain Ability
Decrease Armada Target Weapon Damage when taking damage
Officer Ability
Increase damage when shields are depleted Ranks: 200%/ 250%/ 300%/ 350%/ 400%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Chance to delay opponent's fire by 1 round when own shield is deleted
Officer Ability
Increase ship's Accuracy Ranks: 40%/ 50%/ 60%/ 70%/ 80%
Lower Deck Ability
Origins Burnham
Captain Ability
Increase All Officers Attack
Officer Ability
Increase Damage Ranks: 7%/ 11%/ 16%/ 20%/ 25%
Lower Deck Ability
Top 20 Health Officers |
Ten Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Mining Speed (Par, Trit, Dil)
Officer Ability
Increase Mining Speed (All) Ranks: 80%/ 100%/ 120%/ 140%/ 160%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases base Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge against solo armadas Ranks: 40%/ 50%/ 60%/ 80%/ 100%
Lower Deck Ability
Increase Critical Hit Damage |
Four Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Ore mining speed
Officer Ability
Increase Cargo Size Ranks: 40%/ 45%/ 50%/ 55%/ 60%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Chance to cause Burning for 3 rounds when Hull Health is lower than 80%
Officer Ability
Increase Armour Piercing by Health Ranks: 100%/ 200%/ 400%/ 800%/ 1600%
Lower Deck Ability
Deanna Troi
Captain Ability
Reduces the Crit Chance of Armada Targets
Officer Ability
Increases Weapon Damage against Romulan Hostiles and Armadas Ranks: 100%/ 150%/ 200%/ 250%/ 300%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Damage when opponent's ship is Burning
Officer Ability
Chance to cause Burning when hitting enemy Ranks: 25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
Six Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Decrease opponent SHP when hitting by Defence
Officer Ability
Increase Penetration to Armadas by Attack Ranks: 5%/ 10%/ 20%/ 30%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Damage when taking SHP damage
Officer Ability
Chance to heal 5% shields when they are depleted Ranks: 35%/ 45%/ 55%/ 65%/ 75%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Max Cargo
Officer Ability
Increase Crystal, Gas and Ore mining speed Ranks: 100%/ 125%/ 150%/ 175%/ 200%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases Impulse Speed of ship Ranks: 5%/ 7%/ 9%/ 12%/ 15%
Lower Deck Ability
Chance to increase the Critical Hit Chance for 2 rounds after being hit by a hostile. |
Jadzia Dax
Captain Ability
Increase Shield Piercing, Armor Piercing, and Accuracy by Officer Health against Solo Armada
Officer Ability
Increase Weapon Damage by Health of crew against Solo Armadas Ranks: 300%/ 450%/ 650%/ 900%/ 1200%
Lower Deck Ability
The Doctor
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
When taking hull damage from non-player hostile or Armada, Increases Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge by % of Health for 2 rounds Ranks: 300%/ 500%/ 750%/ 1250%/ 2000%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases all resources dropped by hostiles |
Borg Queen
Captain Ability
Not Perceived as a Threat
Officer Ability
While fighting a Borg Solo Armada, upon receiving Hull Damage, from an enemy shot, increase Critical Hit Chance Ranks: 2%/ 3%/ 4%/ 5%/ 7%
Lower Deck Ability
While fighting a player ship with Assimilate, increase ship's Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy. Cumulative. |
Captain Ability
Increase Protected Cargo
Officer Ability
Increase Warp Range Ranks: 6%/ 8%/ 10%/ 12%/ 15%
Lower Deck Ability
PIC Hugh
Captain Ability
Chain of Command
Officer Ability
Increases the amount of Raw Ore, Crystal and Gas collected while mining with any ship, without draining the mining node faster. Ranks: 5%/ 7%/ 10%/ 15%/ 25%
Lower Deck Ability
At the beginning of each round of combat, repairs % of hull damage taken in the previous round of combat. |
Captain Ability
When attacking a station, delays ship and pltatform weapons by 1 round
Officer Ability
When attacking a station, increases number of shots of weapons Ranks: 50%/ 70%/ 90%/ 120%/ 150%
Lower Deck Ability
Three Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increases Gas mining speed
Officer Ability
Increase Protected Cargo Ranks: 300%/ 350%/ 400%/ 450%/ 500%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Decrease opponents Damage when defending in battle
Officer Ability
Increase Weapon Damage Ranks: 20%/ 25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Carol Freeman
Captain Ability
On combat start agaionst Players, Increase shots
Officer Ability
On round start, if the Enemy Player has Any State, Increase Isolytic Cascade damage for 1 round Ranks: 60%/ 75%/ 90%/ 110%/ 130%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Una increases base Weapon Damage
Officer Ability
Increase Impulse speed Ranks: 1500%/ 2000%/ 3000%/ 4000%/ 5000%
Lower Deck Ability