I can't tell you how grateful I am to all who have already donated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hi all! So I'm finally beginning adulting and buying my own apartment. Unfortunately, Frankfurt is a city where bankers prosper and teachers, well, not so much. So in order to get an apartment that is more than a box, I'm going to need to ask for some help from all of you -- and since I've got about 32,000 visitors a month, if you all donated a dollar, that would get me to it! My goal is to raise enough capital to double what I've currently saved over the last few years for the down payment (going past it wouldn't hurt for sure, as it'll let me start cutting into the principle), so I can afford a slightly bigger apartment where I can more comfortably live. Thanks so much for any and all help! Every last penny counts!

Away Teams Missions Guide

The Shuttle Bay is unlocked by research at Operations Level 8. This will unlock away teams assignments.

Away Teams


  1. Away Teams
  2. Away Teams Research Tree
  3. Away Teams Speedups and Events

Away teams assignments don't have the biggest rewards, but they have some of the best because they are constantly going throughout the day, so they add up over time into quite a lot. As you level up, you'll unlock more and more assignment slots, so you'll have more going at once. They give you a nice place to put some of those officers that have been collecting dust on the side.

So the more assignments you have, the more officers you need to have available. You're going to have to balance keeping your most powerful officers on ships and keeping them going on the away teams missions, which can sometimes be a difficult choice.

Away Teams Research Tree

For the away teams research tree, you need to have service awards. To get these you must complete missions. And they get expensive quick, so you'll need a lot of them.

Away Teams Speedups and Events

From time to time, there will be away teams solo milestones and solo leaderboards. So while it might be tempting to speed up and complete away teams as much as possible, it is in your best interest to only speed up the ones where you feel like you need an officer for another away team mission or for a ship.