Borg Cube


  1. Borg Cube
  2. Borg Cube Tier by Faction Ship Tier
  3. Borg Cutting Beam
    1. Cutting Beam Damage
  4. Technological Distinctiveness
    1. Best Hostiles by Cube Tier
  5. Borg Data Nodes

Borg Cube

The Borg Cube is first available at Operations Level 28.

You will get 25% of the blueprints from the normal battle pass, and another 75% from the 20 Euro battle pass. This means by Day 8 of the arc, you should be able to have this ship for 20 Euros. It will also be available from Day 1 for 100 Euros, and then you can get a third in the event store in December.

This ship will be just like a normal faction ship, in that it is good for PVE, PVP, Armadas, etc. It will scale with your highest faction ship level (Romulan, Federation or Klingon Ships), and will progress through with you all the way to G6 epic levels. So if you have a Tier 6 Augur, then you can get this to Tier 5. So basically, once you have faction ships at a decent tier, you can then tier this one up higher. The tiering chart looks like this:

Borg Cube Tier by Faction Ship Tier

Warp Component Tier Restriction Ship Tier
2 Ops 33 N/A
3 Ops 36 N/A
4 G3 Epic 3
5 G3 Epic 6
6 G4 Uncommon 6
7 G4 Rare 6
8 G4 Epic 4
9 G4 Epic 8
10 G5 Uncommon 6
11 G5 Rare 6
12 G5 Epic 4
13 G5 Epic 8
14 G6 Uncommon 9
15 G6 Rare 9
16 G6 Epic 6
17 G6 Epic 18
18 None N/A

Borg Cutting Beam

The Borg Cube's special ability is a cutting beam. This is used to do damage to any ship in the system WITHOUT attacking it. So basically, click on a button and do direct hull (no mitigation) damage to it. So if it says 1,000,000 hull damage, it does 1,000,000 hull damage. This ability can be used in PVP and PVE situations, but NOT against Bases, Armadas or Alliance Star Bases.

To charge the beam, you just kill hostiles with the ship. So kill hostiles, charge it up, shoot away.

If you do enough damage to kill a hostile with the cutting beam, you get the normal loot from the hostile PLUS Technological Distinctiveness.

This beam can also be used to punch away at bigger players ships during incursions or takeovers, or to smash smaller players from across the system.

Cutting Beam Damage

Level Tier Base PVE Damage Base PVP Damage
5 1 23k 23k
10 2 36k 36k
15 3 50k 50k
20 4 93k 93k
25 5 164k 164k
30 6 2.4m 1.2m
35 7 3.6m 1.8m
40 8 5.1m 2.55m
45 9 8m 4m
50 10 17m 8.5m
55 11 70m 35m
60 12 130m 65m
65 13 210m 105m
70 14 3b 120m

Technological Distinctivenes

After you destroy a hostile WITH the Cutting Beam, you get technological Distinctiveness. This is used in the borg refinery to get upgrade material for the borg cube, as well as the material for the research nodes which are found in the Ex-Borg research tree section.

Hostile Level Tech. Dist. Dropped
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
5 5
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9
11 10
12 11
13 12
14 13
15 14
16 15
17 17
18 19
19 21
20 23
21 25
22 28
23 31
24 34
25 37
26 41
27 45
28 50
29 56
30 62
31 68
32 74
33 82
34 90
35 100
36 110
37 122
38 134
39 148
40 225
41 250
42 275
43 305
44 335
45 370
46 405
47 445
48 490
49 540
50 595
51 900
52 990
53 1090
54 1200
55 1320
56 1450
57 1595
58 1755
59 1930
60 2125
61 6250
62 3575
63 3935
64 4330
65 4765
66 5240
67 5765
68 6340
69 6975
70 7675

Best Hostiles by Cube Tier

This guide should help you most efficiently farm hostiles to get the cutting beam to get you the most rewards per shot.

Cube Tier Highest Hostile Level TD Dropped Beam Damage HHP Hostile Name Possible System Warp Needed
1 28 50 23,000 19,200 Gorn Marauder Biruin (27) 18
2 31 68 36,000 31,920 Federation Patrol Inari (31) 26
3 33 82 50,000 46,000 Gorn Marauder Januu (33) 26
4 36 110 93,000 86,960 Reman Bounty Hunter Vanir (36) 27
5 39 148 164,000 153,400 Gorn Marauder Trill (39) 38
6 48 490 2,400,000 2,229,604 Jem'Hadar Cruiser Tediden (48) 50
7 49 540 3,600,000 2,508,967 Jem'Hadar Cruiser Tediden (48) 70
8 49 540 5,100,000 2,508,967 Jem'Hadar Cruiser Tediden (48) 70
9 50 595 8,000,000 7,525,896 Federation Patrol Rylan (50) 185
10 52 990 17,000,000 12,174,320 Baelosian Miner Agataylor (52) 230
11 56 1,450 70,000,000 66,508,314 Jem'Hadar Cruiser Had'met (54) 80
12 58 1,755 130,000,000 100,729,466 Jem'Hadar Cruiser Vefeeq (57) 100
13 60 2,125 210,000,000 166,287,758 Jem'Hadar Cruiser Dal Vor (59) 100
14 62 3,575 3,000,000,000 2,289,252,539 Frontier Raider Redreev (62) 900
15 65 4,765 6,000,000,000 4,456,252,164 Frontier Raider Har-52 (67) 900
16 70 7,675 11,000,000,000 19,898,084,228 Frontier Raider Wigg (69) 1,550
17 70 7,675 27,000,000,000 19,898,084,228 Frontier Raider Wigg (69) 1,550
18 70 7,675 86,000,000,000 19,898,084,228 Frontier Raider Wigg (69) 1,550
Punch Up Tax: -10% per level higher than your ops. (ex. Ops 46 hitting a lvl 49 opponent loses 30% of Beam Damage)
By BlueMandalorian, JulesVern, Talking Trek & STFC Community

Borg Data Nodes

These are the materials needed to tier up the borg cube. They are rewards as a gift when you reach the tier required with the faction ship of that tier. So if you get an Enterprise to tier 6 and an Augur to tier 6, you will have two gifts -- enough for leveling up two Borg Cubes. This means you can potentially have up to three Borg Cubes all fully leveled, if you tier up three faction ships, one for each faction.