Krenim Invading Entities, while they may look like armadas, are most definitely not. They work like armadas, in that you start them with directives and send two ships, but many officers that work with armadas don't work for them. Any officer that specificies armadas specifically won't work, though those that show invading entities will. The Voyager officers, though specifying armadas, are the exception as they apparently work anyways.
To defeat these, you need to buy an exocomp from the faction store. Once you buy it, it shows up under the exocomps from combat, and you can equip it. This exocomp neutralizes the entity's special abilities, making them do either significantly less damage or have significantly less apex barrier through the fight. These are either Static or Charged, and you must use the exocomp that matches the type to counter it.
Good Bridge Officers | Good Lower Decks Officers |
5/11 | Doctor |
Byr | E-Troi |
Demarco | Harry Kim |
Doctor | Neelix |
E-Riker | Odo |
Eurydice | Paris |
Georgiou | Pelia |
Gonzales | Pic-Hugh |
Gorkon | |
Janeway | |
Khan | |
Kirk | |
Lorca | |
Nero | |
Nesmith | |
Original Pike | |
Ro Mudd | |
Spock | |
TNG-Beverly | |
TNG-Picard | |
Toli | |
Tolra | |
Torres | |
Tyler (requires burning) | |
Vael |
The crews that worked best for me so far as below, for max damage and for max loot.