Officer Breakdown

Battleship Strike Crew
Captain Maneuver Base Chance With Engineering Synergy With Science Synergy With Command Synergy
Chief of Security 0% +0% +0% +0%
Engineering Synergy Officers Science Synergy Officers Command Synergy Officers
Strike Team Ortegas
Strike Team Ortegas
Captain Ability
When shot by a player Explorer, % chance of burning them fo r3 rounds
Officer Ability
While on Battleship in PvP % chance of delaying opponents weapons by 1 round on their next attack.
40%/ 45%/ 52%/ 60%/ 70%
Lower Deck Ability
Strike Team Una
Strike Team Una
Captain Ability
While in combat with player Explorer, increase all officer stats
Officer Ability
While on Battleship in PvP Decreases Shield Mitigation each round
25%/ 27%/ 30%/ 34%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Strike Team La'an
Strike Team La'an
Captain Ability
While on Battleship in PvP, if opponent is burning, at the start of each round, increase number of shots
Officer Ability
While on Battleship in PvP each time ship hits with a weapon % chance of burning for 3 rounds
60%/ 65%/ 72%/ 80%/ 90%
Lower Deck Ability
Officer Tier Level Attack Defense Health Officer Ability Ability Chance
Ensign I 5 100 100 100 On round start, if on Battleship and enemy player is burning, Increases Isolytic Cascade 60%
Lieutenant JG II 10 100 240 100 75%
Lieutenant III 15 745 373 373 90%
Lieutenant Commander IV 20 1000 527 527 110%
Commander V 30 1767 884 884 130%
Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3



Trait 1 Missions Trait 2 Missions Trait 3 Missions
Armed Escort (ops <30)
Address The High Council
Address The High Council
Armed Escort (ops 30+)
Bat'leth Training
Alliance Exocomps (Attack)
Double Agent Interrogation
Political Espionage
Tal Shiar Inquisition (ops 50+?)
Mek'ba Judiciary
Tal Shiar Inquisition (ops 50+?)
Tal Shiar Inquisition (ops <50)

Tal Shiar Inquisition (ops <50)