Officer Breakdown

SNW James Kirk
Strange New Worlds
Captain Maneuver Base Chance With Command Synergy With Science Synergy With Engineering Synergy
Reduces enemy Shield Mitigation vs non-Armada Hostiles 15% +30% +30% +30%
Command Synergy Officers Science Synergy Officers Engineering Synergy Officers
SNW M'Benga
SNW M'Benga
Captain Ability
Increases all mitigation stats by % of Health vs non-Armada Hostiles
Officer Ability
Increases SHP every round vs non-Armada Hostiles
2%/ 4%/ 6%/ 8%/ 15%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW Pike
SNW Pike
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, increases Shield Mitigation
Officer Ability
When fighting hostiles, decreases hostile Shield Mitigation
10%/ 15%/ 20%/ 25%/ 35%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW Nurse Chapel
SNW Nurse Chapel
Captain Ability
Chain of Command
Officer Ability
Increases amount of Volatile Isomatter you get from destroying Gorn Hunters
25%/ 50%/ 90%/ 140%/ 200%
Lower Deck Ability
At the start of combat, Increases Isolytic Cascade damage vs non-armada Hostiles
SNW Ortegas
SNW Ortegas
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Ortegas increases critical hit chance against hostiles
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by % of total Defense when attacking hostile Explorers from a Battleship
500%/ 800%/ 1100%/ 1400%/ 1800%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW Sam Kirk
SNW Sam Kirk
Captain Ability
Reduces enemy SHP every round vs non-Armada Hostiles
Officer Ability
Increases Critical Damage every round vs non-Armada Hostiles
40%/ 90%/ 150%/ 230%/ 350%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW Spock
SNW Spock
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Spock decreases hostile critical hit chance
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by % of total Defense when attacking hostile Interceptors from an Explorer
500%/ 800%/ 1100%/ 1400%/ 1800%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW Uhura
SNW Uhura
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Uhura increases critical hit damage
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by % of total Defense when attacking hostile Battleships from an Interceptor
500%/ 800%/ 1100%/ 1400%/ 1800%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW Hemmer
SNW Hemmer
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge when in combat with Survey ships.
800%/ 1000%/ 1400%/ 1900%/ 2500%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases the Health of all officers on the ship
SNW La'an
SNW La'an
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases base Warp Speed
50%/ 70%/ 95%/ 125%/ 150%
Lower Deck Ability
SNW La'an increases the ship's base Max Cargo by
SNW Pelia
SNW Pelia
Captain Ability
Chain of Command
Officer Ability
Reduces Isolytic Damage received from non-Armada hostiles
2%/ 5%/ 10%/ 15%/ 20%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases Isolytic Defence
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Una increases base Weapon Damage
Officer Ability
Increase Impulse speed
1500%/ 2000%/ 3000%/ 4000%/ 5000%
Lower Deck Ability
Officer Tier Level Attack Defense Health Officer Ability Ability Chance
Ensign I 5 100 77 100 Increases base Weapon Damage vs non-Armada Hostiles 200%
Lieutenant JG II 10 100 137 100 600%
Lieutenant III 15 852 213 426 1200%
Lieutenant Commander IV 20 1000 301 602 2000%
Commander V 30 2020 505 1010 3500%
Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3



Trait 1 Missions Trait 2 Missions Trait 3 Missions
Alliance Exocomps (Attack)
Armed Escort (ops <30)
Alliance Exocomps (Health)
Alliance Exocomps (Defence)
Armed Escort (ops 30+)
Cultural Exchange
Alliance Exocomps (Health)
Boarding Party
Imperial Strategy
Field Operatives (ops <20)
Explore Galactic Barrier
Peace Treaty (A)
Field Operatives (ops 20+)
Imperial Strategy
Peace Treaty (B)
Officer Training
Methodical Ambush

Salvage Operation (Battleship)
Tactical Simulator (ops <30)

Salvage Operation (Explorer)
Tactical Simulator (ops 30+)

Salvage Operation (Interceptor)

Salvage Operation (Survey)

Undercover Mission