Officer Breakdown

Auxiliary Controls
Captain Maneuver Base Chance With Engineering Synergy With Science Synergy With Command Synergy
Increase ships Hull Health when defending a station 10% +5% +10% +10%
Engineering Synergy Officers Science Synergy Officers Command Synergy Officers
Captain Ability
Increase Hull Health as long as ship is in the station
Officer Ability
Increase Shield Health as long as ship is in the station
20%/ 25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Critical Hit chance when defending the station
Officer Ability
Increase Defence of all Officers on the ship
5%/ 7%/ 9%/ 12%/ 15%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Decrease opponents Damage when defending in battle
Officer Ability
Increase Weapon Damage
20%/ 25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy when defending the Station
Officer Ability
Increase Mitigation when defending the Station
10%/ 16%/ 22%/ 30%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increasae all officer stats on board when defending a station
Officer Ability
Increase Damage for 1 round when hit by a critical
30%/ 40%/ 50%/ 60%/ 70%
Lower Deck Ability
Officer Tier Level Attack Defense Health Officer Ability Ability Chance
Ensign I 5 9 6 28 Increase Damage dealt when defending a Station 5%
Lieutenant JG II 10 17 10 52 8%
Lieutenant III 15 26 16 83 10%
Lieutenant Commander IV 20 37 23 118 15%
Commander V 30 63 38 201 20%
Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3

Trait 1 Missions Trait 2 Missions Trait 3 Missions
Armed Escort (ops <30)

Armed Escort (ops 30+)

Bat'leth Training

Bloodwine Contest

Collective Bargaining

Crystal Contractor

Crystal Contractor (2 Day)

Deep Space Reconnaissance

Diplomatic Relations

Escort Dignitary

Field Operatives (ops <20)

Field Operatives (ops 20+)

Forensic Investigation

Gas Contractor (ops <30)

Gas Contractor (ops 30+)

Geothermal Conditioning (Gas)

Geothermal Conditioning (Ore)

Geothermal Conditioning (Crystal)

Host Ambassador

Low Orbit Flyby

Mek'ba Judiciary

Observing Kolinahr

Ore Contractor

Planetary Survey

R'uustai Ceremony

Rescue Attempt (ops <30)

Rescue Attempt (ops 30+)

Rite of MajQa

Scientific Breakthrough (ops <30)

Senate Hearing

Sensor Analysis (ops <20)

Stellar Cartography (ops <30)

Stellar Cartography (ops 30+)

Subterranean Excursion (Gas ops <30)

Tactical Simulator (ops <30)

Tactical Simulator (ops 30+)

Terraforming Expedition

Xenoarchaeology Trip