Captain Maneuver | Base Chance | With Engineering Synergy | With Science Synergy | With Command Synergy |
When on an Interceptor and fighting a player with Hull Breach, when scoring a critical, increases Critical Hit Chance | 2% | +2% | +3% | +3% |
Engineering Synergy Officers | Science Synergy Officers | Command Synergy Officers | ||
Andy Billups
Captain Ability
Officer Ability
On round start, if on an Interceptor and Enemy Player has Hull Breach, Increase Isolytic Cascade for 1 round Ranks: 60%/ 75%/ 90%/ 110%/ 130%
Lower Deck Ability
On round start, if on a Battleship and Enemy Player has Burning, Increases Isolytic Defense for 1 round |
Captain Ability
When on an Interceptor and fighting a player with Hull Breach. Each round, reduces opponent's Kritical Weapon Damage.
Officer Ability
When on an Interceptor and fighting a player with Hull Breach. Each round, Increases Critical Hit Chance Ranks: 30%/ 35%/ 42%/ 50%/ 60%
Lower Deck Ability
Gul Dukat
Captain Ability
While on an Interceptor fighting a player, at the start of a round, chance to apply Hull Breach for 3 rounds.
Officer Ability
When shot while on an Interceptor, fighting a player with Hull Breach, increase number of shots per weapon for 5 rounds Ranks: 25%/ 29%/ 35%/ 42%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
Officer Tier | Level | Attack | Defense | Health | Officer Ability | Ability Chance |
Ensign I | 5 | 90 | 54 | 100 | Whilst on Interceptor and fighting a player with Hull Breach, when scoring a critical, decreases opponent's Critical Hit Damage 3 rounds | 25% |
Lieutenant JG II | 10 | 100 | 106 | 100 | 29% | |
Lieutenant III | 15 | 289 | 174 | 347 | 35% | |
Lieutenant Commander IV | 20 | 421 | 253 | 505 | 42% | |
Commander V | 30 | 732 | 439 | 878 | 50% |
Trait 1 | Trait 2 | Trait 3 |
Pilot |
Perceptive |
Trait 1 Missions | Trait 2 Missions | Trait 3 Missions |
Boarding Party |
Double Agent Interrogation |
Crystal Contractor |
Forensic Investigation |
Low Orbit Flyby |
Ore Contractor |
Rescue Attempt (ops <30) |
Rescue Attempt (ops 30+) |