I can't tell you how grateful I am to all who have already donated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hi all! So I'm finally beginning adulting and buying my own apartment. Unfortunately, Frankfurt is a city where bankers prosper and teachers, well, not so much. So in order to get an apartment that is more than a box, I'm going to need to ask for some help from all of you -- and since I've got about 32,000 visitors a month, if you all donated a dollar, that would get me to it! My goal is to raise enough capital to double what I've currently saved over the last few years for the down payment (going past it wouldn't hurt for sure, as it'll let me start cutting into the principle), so I can afford a slightly bigger apartment where I can more comfortably live. Thanks so much for any and all help! Every last penny counts!

Officer Breakdown

Emperor Georgiou
Terran Empire
Captain Maneuver Base Chance With Command Synergy With Science Synergy With Engineering Synergy
When attacking a player during takeover. Decrease opponent's Officer Defence 100% +15% +25% +25%
Command Synergy Officers Science Synergy Officers Engineering Synergy Officers
Captain Ability
Decrease opponents damge if they have Hull Breach
Officer Ability
Chance to inflict Hull Breach
50%/ 60%/ 70%/ 75%/ 80%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Tilly
Captain Tilly
Captain Ability
Increase Mitigation by Health, when on attacking on a capture node and opponent has Hull Breach
Officer Ability
Increase Mitigation by Health when opponent has Hull Breach
50%/ 60%/ 70%/ 80%/ 100%
Lower Deck Ability
Officer Tier Level Attack Defense Health Officer Ability Ability Chance
Ensign I 5 45 99 99 When attacking a player on a capture node, Increase number of shots at start of each round. 17%
Lieutenant JG II 10 89 195 100 25%
Lieutenant III 15 145 318 318 34%
Lieutenant Commander IV 20 211 463 463 40%
Commander V 30 366 805 805 50%
Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3


Trait 1 Missions Trait 2 Missions Trait 3 Missions
Armed Escort (ops <30)
Address The High Council

Armed Escort (ops 30+)
Bat'leth Training

Bat'leth Training
Political Espionage

Bloodwine Contest
Tal Shiar Inquisition (ops 50+?)

Escort Dignitary
Tal Shiar Inquisition (ops <50)

Field Operatives (ops <20)

Field Operatives (ops 20+)

Imperial Strategy

Methodical Ambush

R'uustai Ceremony

Rescue Attempt (ops 30+)

Rite of MajQa