Captain Maneuver | Base Chance | With Science Synergy | With Engineering Synergy | With Command Synergy |
Increase Damage against Explorers | 20% | +10% | +20% | +20% |
Science Synergy Officers | Engineering Synergy Officers | Command Synergy Officers | ||
Captain Ability
Decrease the shield Health of the opponent's ship each round
Officer Ability
Increase Damage to Romulans by % of crew's Health Ranks: 25%/ 35%/ 75%/ 175%/ 500%
Lower Deck Ability
Increase ship's Weapon Damage |
Captain Ability
Chance to inspire morale when opponent's HHP is under 80%
Officer Ability
Increase Shield piercing by crew's Defence Ranks: 100%/ 200%/ 400%/ 800%/ 1600%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Defence of bridge officers
Officer Ability
Increase Mitigation by % of crew's Defence when having Morale Ranks: 30%/ 40%/ 80%/ 160%/ 300%
Lower Deck Ability
Officer Tier | Level | Attack | Defense | Health | Officer Ability | Ability Chance |
Ensign I | 5 | 18 | 27 | 100 | Ignore % of opponents shield for the first round of combat | 60% |
Lieutenant JG II | 10 | 36 | 53 | 100 | 70% | |
Lieutenant III | 15 | 58 | 87 | 549 | 80% | |
Lieutenant Commander IV | 20 | 85 | 127 | 800 | 90% | |
Commander V | 30 | 147 | 220 | 1390 | 100% |
Trait 1 | Trait 2 | Trait 3 |
Augment |
Criminal |
Trait 1 Missions | Trait 2 Missions | Trait 3 Missions |
Boarding Party |
Calculated Treachery |
Geological Evaluation (Crystal) |
Time Heist |
Geothermal Conditioning (Gas) |
Salvage Operation (Survey) |
Subterranean Excursion (Crystal ops <30) |
Subterranean Excursion (Gas ops <30) |
Subterranean Excursion (Ore Ops <30) |
Subterranean Excursion (Ops 30+) |