
Officer Name Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
Borg Queen
Borg Queen
Captain Ability
Not Perceived as a Threat
Officer Ability
While fighting a Borg Solo Armada, upon receiving Hull Damage, from an enemy shot, increase Critical Hit Chance
2%/ 3%/ 4%/ 5%/ 7%
Lower Deck Ability
While fighting a player ship with Assimilate, increase ship's Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy. Cumulative.
Assimilated Ruthless Intimidating
Captain Ability
Not Perceived as a Threat
Officer Ability
While fighting a Borg Solo Armada, increase all officer stats for the duration of combat
10%/ 14%/ 20%/ 30%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
At the start of each round, if opponents hull is below 95%, chance to apply Assimilate for 4 rounds
Assimilated Physicist
Eight Of Eleven
Eight Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Critical Hit chance against Borg
Officer Ability
Increase Attack of all Officers on the ship
45%/ 55%/ 65%/ 75%/ 85%
Lower Deck Ability
Eleven Of Eleven
Eleven Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Mining Speed (Crystal)
Officer Ability
Increase Warp Speed
30%/ 35%/ 40%/ 45%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Miner Specialist
Five Of Eleven
Five Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Mitigation by Officer Health
Officer Ability
Increase Resources dropped
20%/ 40%/ 60%/ 80%/ 100%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Ruthless Relentless
Four Of Eleven
Four Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Ore mining speed
Officer Ability
Increase Cargo Size
40%/ 45%/ 50%/ 55%/ 60%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Analytical Specialist
Captain Ability
Not Perceived as a Threat
Officer Ability
Increases Faction Reptation gained from Fed, Kling and Rom hostiles
5%/ 7%/ 9%/ 15%/ 20%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases the amount of resources dropped from Actian Apex and Borg hostiles by a percentage of base.
Assimilated Thief
Captain Ability
Not Perceived as a Threat
Officer Ability
When fighting against a Borg Solo Armada, at the start of each round, reduce target's Damage for 1 round
5%/ 7%/ 10%/ 15%/ 25%
Lower Deck Ability
When fighting a player ship with Assimilate, increase the ship's Armour, Shield Deflection and Dodge (Cumulative)
Assimilated Thief
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases Impulse Speed of ship
5%/ 7%/ 9%/ 12%/ 15%
Lower Deck Ability
Chance to increase the Critical Hit Chance for 2 rounds after being hit by a hostile.
Assimilated Survivor Leader
Nine Of Eleven
Nine Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Decrease Borg critical hit chance
Officer Ability
Increase Defence of all Officers on the ship
45%/ 55%/ 65%/ 75%/ 85%
Lower Deck Ability
One Of Eleven
One Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increate Shield Mitigation
Officer Ability
Increase Protected Cargo
30%/ 35%/ 40%/ 45%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Cybernetic
PIC Hugh
PIC Hugh
Captain Ability
Chain of Command
Officer Ability
Increases the amount of Raw Ore, Crystal and Gas collected while mining with any ship, without draining the mining node faster.
5%/ 7%/ 10%/ 15%/ 25%
Lower Deck Ability
At the beginning of each round of combat, repairs % of hull damage taken in the previous round of combat.
Assimilated Survivor Leader
Seven Of Eleven
Seven Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Chance to add 2 shots to each weapon when fighting Borg
Officer Ability
Increase Health of all Officers on the ship
60%/ 70%/ 80%/ 90%/ 100%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Dedicated
Six Of Eleven
Six Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Decrease opponent SHP when hitting by Defence
Officer Ability
Increase Penetration to Armadas by Attack
5%/ 10%/ 20%/ 30%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Ruthless Relentless
Ten Of Eleven
Ten Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Mining Speed (Par, Trit, Dil)
Officer Ability
Increase Mining Speed (All)
80%/ 100%/ 120%/ 140%/ 160%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Miner Fluffy
Three Of Eleven
Three Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increases Gas mining speed
Officer Ability
Increase Protected Cargo
300%/ 350%/ 400%/ 450%/ 500%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Miner Calculated
Two Of Eleven
Two Of Eleven
Captain Ability
Increase Cargo Size
Officer Ability
Increase to G3 and G4 Mining speed
50%/ 55%/ 60%/ 65%/ 75%
Lower Deck Ability
Assimilated Cybernetic