
Officer Name Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
Borg Queen
Borg Queen
Captain Ability
Not Perceived as a Threat
Officer Ability
While fighting a Borg Solo Armada, upon receiving Hull Damage, from an enemy shot, increase Critical Hit Chance
2%/ 3%/ 4%/ 5%/ 7%
Lower Deck Ability
While fighting a player ship with Assimilate, increase ship's Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy. Cumulative.
Assimilated Ruthless Intimidating
Honorguard Worf
Honorguard Worf
Captain Ability
When fighting other players, increases Armor Piercing by % of Crew Attack whenever ship scores a critical hit
Officer Ability
For the first 8 rounds of combat against other players, increases the Critical Hit Chance of the ship
45%/ 50%/ 60%/ 75%/ 100%
Lower Deck Ability
Security Dedicated Intimidating
Captain Ability
Increase Damage when opponent's ship is Burning
Officer Ability
Chance to cause Burning when hitting enemy
25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Miner Intimidating
PIC Worf
PIC Worf
Captain Ability
At the start of round, chance to apply Hull Breach for 3 rounds against player ships
Officer Ability
Increases Weapon Damage on combat start against player Interceptors for the duration of combat
500%/ 900%/ 1500%/ 2200%/ 3000%
Lower Deck Ability
Spy Tactical Intimidating