Officer Name | Trait 1 | Trait 2 | Trait 3 |
Captain Ability
Decrease opponents Damage when defending in battle
Officer Ability
Increase Weapon Damage Ranks: 20%/ 25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%
Lower Deck Ability
Scientist | Physicist | Focused |
Captain Ability
Not Perceived as a Threat
Officer Ability
While fighting a Borg Solo Armada, increase all officer stats for the duration of combat Ranks: 10%/ 14%/ 20%/ 30%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
At the start of each round, if opponents hull is below 95%, chance to apply Assimilate for 4 rounds |
Assimilated | Physicist | |
Geordi La Forge
Captain Ability
Increase Rewards from Armadas
Officer Ability
Increase Weapon Damage against Klingon Hostiles and Armadas Ranks: 100%/ 150%/ 200%/ 250%/ 300%
Lower Deck Ability
Engineer | Physicist | Adaptable |
Paul Stamets
Captain Ability
Increase Jump and Summoning Cost Efficiency
Officer Ability
Decrease opponent's Armor Piercing when defending from a player Ranks: 40%/ 80%/ 120%/ 160%/ 200%
Lower Deck Ability
Inventor | Physicist |