The Stella


  1. Stella
  2. Scrapping
  3. Uranium Costs
  4. Stella Particles from Scrapping
  5. Getting A Second Stella
  6. Exchange Armadas
    1. Soloing Exchange Armadas


The Stella is used in Rogue Space to farm traders and fight Eclipse Armadas. These traders will drop Eclipse Security Codes, which will be turned in for loot. The armadas drop uncommon, rare, and epic eclipse loot and are started by eclipse-specific armada directives.

To get uncommon and rare directives, you buy them in the faction store. You can purchase them using the Eclipse Security Codes you farm, or mine green data in Augment Space. The cost and rewards change as your reputation changes. Epic armada directives are rewards from killing uncommon armadas.


In order to do research for the Stella, you need to scrap it. This gives you Stella Particles, which you use in the research.

The higher the level (not tier, you must either spend the xp or farm it to max level), the more particles you get. In addition, you get more loot from the ship ability with a higher level ship so not getting it back up will seriously cripple your ability to farm more loot.

At level 1, this ship ability is only 100%, so every hostile you kill and every armada provides fewer rewards. So as soon as you scrap, level it back up.

This means you should have already bought enough uranium to go back up to a decent level. Because of this, many people choose to take it to tier 5, level to 25, scrap, then repeat at the beginning as it requires very little rare plutonium so is easy to do and has decent rewards at low levels. As you start getting more armadas and more rewards, you should be able to start taking it to higher tiers, eventually scrapping it at max level every time, or after the rare upgrades.

The Stella also shows your M rating -- this is in regard to your Rogue Research that improves how it performs against Exchange Armadas. It starts off at 0/160 and goes on to the max of 160 once you have all the research.

Uranium Costs

TierUnc. Uranium CostRare U.Epic U.Combined U/R/E

Stella Particles from Scrapping

LevelStella Particles on Scrap

Once you scrap the Stella, you need to use the token you get from the scrap in the Rogue Store to buy a new set of blueprints.

Getting A Second Stella

Getting a second Stella makes a lot of sense, because you can upgrade one fully and use it to farm Eclipse hostiles and armadas, while the second one becomes your scrap beast. Remembers, the Stella's ability increases the loot you get, so having a higher tier Stella means more loot quicker.

You can of course buy it in the real money store, but if you look at the image above I have 50 BPs which I didn't pay for. At the end of every Battle Pass arc there is a big event store where you can buy all kinds of things. One of those things is up to 50 Stella blueprints. This is the best way to do it, as they are relatively cheap in this store. The problem is, unfortunately, that this store usually runs only once every approximately four months (each arc is usually 4 battle passes).

Until you have your first Stella, do not buy these though. They will replace the ones you can easily buy in the Rogue Store, which means you'll have to buy even more from the event stores.

Exchange Armadas

For exchange armadas, you're going to want to use specific crews. A crew that should work at pretty much every M rating is:

Captain Side Officer Side Officer
Benjamin Sisko
Benjamin Sisko
Captain Ability
Increases Armour, Shield Deflection and Doddge by % of crews Health against armadas.
Officer Ability
Increases Critical Hit Chance against Armadas (Cumulative)
3%/ 4%/ 6%/ 8%/ 12%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase all officer stats when the ship has Morale
Officer Ability
Chance to inspire Morale to his ship for 2 rounds
50%/ 60%/ 70%/ 75%/ 80%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Accuracy at the start of each round
Officer Ability
Restore Shield by % of crew's Defence when having Morale
25%/ 50%/ 100%/ 400%/ 750%
Lower Deck Ability

Spock should be at least tier 4 for this crew to effectively regenerate shields. The reason it works so well is that shields will always take 80% damage when they're up, so you only take 20% hull damage for the whole fight. You should also stack defense below decks. Sisko provided mitigation, and crits are extra damage.

Soloing Exchange Armadas

For soloing armadas, you make one slight change to the crew above. Change Sisko for Leslie. In this case, you're no longer focusing on doing a lot of damage while taking as little as possible. Here, what you're focusing on is survivability. Leslie will restore hull health when you're below 35%, and if your M rating is about 110 or higher.

Captain Side Officer Side Officer
Captain Ability
Restore Hull Health when under 35% of starting value
Officer Ability
Increase Ship XP on Battleships
20%/ 30%/ 40%/ 50%/ 60%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase all officer stats when the ship has Morale
Officer Ability
Chance to inspire Morale to his ship for 2 rounds
50%/ 60%/ 70%/ 75%/ 80%
Lower Deck Ability
Captain Ability
Increase Accuracy at the start of each round
Officer Ability
Restore Shield by % of crew's Defence when having Morale
25%/ 50%/ 100%/ 400%/ 750%
Lower Deck Ability

Your ship will blow up at the end of this, but so will the armada, as the health Leslie grants is temporary. So this should allow you to happily solo any armadas you need to.