Vi'dar and Vi'dar Talios


  1. Vi'dar and Vi'dar Talios
  2. Vi'dar
    1. Vi'dar Crews
    2. Borg Nanoprobe Systems
    3. Vi'dar Refinery
    4. Assimilated Ferengi Traders
    5. Infinitus Skin
    6. Vi'dar Refinery
  3. Vi'dar Talios
    1. Borg Nanoprobe Systems
    2. Tiering the Ship
    3. Refinery
    4. Borg Expansion Cubes
    5. What Vi'dar Research Works with Talios?
    6. New Research
      1. Regular Research
      2. Prime Research
    7. Ops Lock
    8. Talios Refinery
  4. Days to Tier
  5. Borg Refinery
    1. Probe Refinery
    2. Efficiency
    3. Refinery Possibilities

Vi'dar and Vi'dar Talios


The Vi'dar can first be built at level 25. It can be gotten through event stores, borg events or the Cosmic Cleanup event during battle passes every Saturday.

Once you've built it, you'll get 2 transwarp cells per day in the same place you get your 10 Minute, 4 Hour and 24 Hour chests. These allow access to borg systems, where you can find borg probes to farm for inert nanoprobes. These can be refined in the borg refinery, which will show up once you've built the Vi'dar. In the refinery, you can convert them to Charged Nanoprobes or Active Nanoprobes.

Active Nanoprobes are needed to upgrade borg officers.

Borg Refinery

Charged Nanoprobes are used to upgrade the Vi'dar, and can be traded for Klingon, Romulan, Federation or Independent credits and/or reputation.

Borg Refinery Continued

Vi'dar Crews

As you start off with the Vi'dar, it makes sense to use 7 of 11 as captain, with 8 of 11 and 9 of 11 as side officers (they can be replaced by other borg as you level up). 7's captain ability is to give the ship a percentage chance to hit three times instead of once, and with 2 other borg on the crew, this is 90%. The following shows at what tier your Vi'dar will kill borg probes in the first round of combat if triple shot procs (so you take minimal damage).

Probe level: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Tier 1 Yes
Tier 2 Yes
Tier 3 Yes
Tier 3+Tier 4 Main Weapon Yes
Tier 4 Yes
Tier 4+Tier 5 Main Weapon Yes
Tier 5 Yes
Tier 5+Tier 6 Main Weapon Yes Yes
Tier 6 Yes Yes
Tier 6+Tier 7 Main Weapon Yes Yes Yes
Tier 7 Yes Yes Yes
Tier 7+Tier 8 Main Weapon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tier 8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tier 8+Tier 9 Main Weapon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tier 9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
At what level Vidar can 1 shot a borg nanoprobe with 7 of 11 as captain.

Once you have Pike and Moreau, or Picard and Beverly, you can switch over to hostile crew. For Borg Probes up to and including level 28, you should be using Pike(c)/Moreau/Chen or Picard(c)/Beverly/Chen. Probes from level 29 and up should be used with T'Laan instead of Chen (Pike(c)/Moreau/T'Laan or Picard(c)/Beverly/T'Laan).

Borg Nanoprobe Systems

Level System Name
25 Metra [Alpha, Beta, Gamma]
26 Benes [Alpha, Beta]
27 Benes [Gamma, Delta]
28 Roda [Alpha, Beta]
29 Roda Gamma
30 Roda Delta
31 Corta Alpha
32 Corta Beta
33 Corta Gamma, Sigma Carment, Beta Zetori, Zeta Gray

Vi'dar Refinery

Tier Chests Charged Nanoprobe Cost Reward Active Nanoprobe Cost Reward
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
Tier Faction Credit Cost Reward Faction Reputation Cost Reward*
1 80 50 60 6k/-3k/-3k
2 175 60 120 8k/-4k/-4k
3 400 75 300 11k/-5k/-5k
4 800 95 600 15k/-7.5k/-7.5k
5 1650 120 1250 20k/-10k/-10k
6 2500 150 1750 26k/-13k/-13k
7 3300 185 2500 34k/-17k/-17k
8 5500 230 4000 43k/-21.5k/-21.5k
9 8000 300 5750 54k/-27k/-27k
*You gain points for the one you buy, and lose from the other 2.

Assimilated Ferengi Traders

In borg systems, you also have Assimilated Ferengi Traders flying about from time to time. These drop a special item, Latinum Antiques.

These are also in your Borg Tech Refinery, and have quite nice rewards when refined, which you can do once every five days.

Vi'Dar Tier Lucrative 3* Transwarp Cells Uncommon Latinum Cell Rare Latinum Cell Epic Latinum Cell 1M Parsteel 1M Tritanium 100k Dilithium
1 1 3 6 2 2
2 1 3 8 3 3
3 1 3 10 4 4
4 1 3/2 13 5 5
5 1 3/2 15 6 6
6 1 3/2 17 7 7
7 1 2/1 19 8 8
8 1 2/1 21 9 9
9 1 2/1 23 10 10

You have a chance for any of the rewards at a given level, but may get none of any as well (you will always get something, but not all). It's all random here.

When you're normally farming borg, you should keep an eye out for these, but the easiest way to farm them is to sit in the hub between one of the sets of the borg systems.

Hub System Surrounding Borg Systems
Alta Metra Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Panak Roda Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Unoma Corta Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Arentar Sigma Carment, Beta Zetori, Zeta Gray

Just send your Vi'dar here, and let it chill while you're doing other stuff. Every couple minutes check for a trader flying about. If you see one, send in your Vi'dar and kill it. It'll take a transwarp cell, but you often have a bunch of these lying about beyond what you need to farm for your chests if you aren't doing max pulls every day.

Some things you should keep in mind:
1. Be wary if other players are farming in that system, they'll likely try to go straight for a probe and can beat you as you warp in.

2. Probes are only active for 10 minutes before they warp away, so if you're not checking back consistently it can despawn before you get it.

3. It'll take about 30 seconds to warp in, and a lot can happen in 30 seconds.

4. Probes spawn every couple hours, so don't expect to get back to back probes in any system.

Infinitus Skin

There is a skin for the Vi'dar which increases the amount of nanoprobes you get from killing borg probes by 50%. The only place to get this skin is during the occasional borg events that are run before battle passes. You can get 15 shards in each event, so you need four of these. As these events only run every few months expect quite some time before you'll get this skin.

Vi'dar Refinery

Probe Refining Uncommon Borg Solo Armada Directives Credits & Rep
Charged Nanoprobes Active Nanoprobes Independent Credits Faction Credits Faction Reputation
Tier Ops 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest Each w/ Prime 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest Each w/ Prime 1 Chest* Reward 1 Chest Reward w/ Bonus Research 1 Chest Reward w/ Prime 1 Chest Reward w/ Prime
1 25 5,000 25,000 50,000 150 300 1,000 8,000 10,000 50 100 28,800 6 80 25 63 80 50 100 60 6k/-3k/-3k 12k/-6k/-6k
2 8,000 45,000 90,000 300 600 3,000 14,000 30,000 150 300 28,800 6 175 30 75 175 60 120 120 8k/-4k/-4k 16k/-8k/-8k
3 13,000 65,000 130,000 750 1,500 4,000 20,000 40,000 300 600 28,800 6 400 35 88 400 75 150 300 11k/-5.5k/-5.5k 22k/-11k/-11k
4 20,000 110,000 220,000 1,500 3,000 6,000 35,000 60,000 500 1,000 28,800 6 800 40 100 800 95 190 600 15k/-7.5k/-7.5k 30k/-15k/-15k
5 25,000 130,000 260,000 3,000 6,000 8,000 40,000 80,000 800 1,600 28,800 6 1,650 45 113 1,650 120 240 1,250 20k/-7.5k/-7.5k 40k/-15k/-15k
6 40,000 210,000 420,000 4,500 9,000 11,000 65,000 110,000 1,100 2,200 28,800 6 2,500 50 125 2,500 150 300 1,750 26k/-13k/-13k 52k/-26k/-26k
7 55,000 275,000 550,000 6,000 12,000 15,000 85,000 150,000 1,400 2,800 28,800 6 3,300 60 150 3,300 185 370 2,500 34k/-17k/-17k 68k/-34k/-34k
8 75,000 385,000 750,000 10,500 21,000 21,000 120,000 210,000 1,800 3,600 28,800 6 5,500 70 175 5,500 230 460 4,000 43k/-21.5k/-21.5k 86k/-43k/-43k
9 100,000 500,000 1,000,000 15,000 30,000 28,000 155,000 280,000 2,400 4,800 28,800 100 8,000 80 240 8,000 300 600 5,750 54k/-27k/-27k 108k/-54k/-54k
Compiled by: @JulesVern, @BlueMandalorian and the STFC Community

Vi'dar Talios

What we know so far (will update as information comes in).

With the second month of the Borg arc comes a new ship, the Vi'dar Talios. This will be available free to play for every player with a Tier 9 Vi'dar. On day one of the arc you will get a mission that will get you half the blueprints. The second mission should be coming on day 8 of the arc. Therefore, you should have a full, free unlock of this in the second week of the arc if you have a max Vi'dar.

With this ship comes new Borg systems. These systems will be using the same currency as the old system, but have level 36-60 Borg ships in them, and will have much better sourcing of nanoprobes. Scopely is saying this will require many fewer kills then with the normal Vi'dar. It will also have a faster impulse speed than the normal Vi'dar, which should also cut down on the time.

Borg Nanoprobe Systems

Probe Level System
36 Solus Daevun
37 Kallidin
38 Ru Vazin
40 Ru Sema
42 Frirab
44 Torvadyna
46 Moxidar
48 Cannz
50 Rhaela
52 Baley
54 Solus Ynestri
58 Jovia

Tiering the Ship

Upgrades to this ship will use charged nanoprobes, exactly like the normal Vi'dar components.


There will be a new Borg refinery. All parts of the refinery replace the old one, so you will no longer have access to the old refinery. That being said, Scopely has said that the new refinery will have better rewards across the board, so it should be better.

Borg Expansion Cubes

These armadas should be fought by the ship. Click here for more information.

What Vi'dar Research Works with Talios?

Prime Borg Rewards and Prime Nanoprobes will continue to function. Assimilated Credit Yield does not. The Vi'dar exocomps from the Borg solo armada chests will not affect the new ship. Other research needs to be tested.

New Research

All this research is under the Starships Tree

Regular Research

Prime Research

The first prime will be given free to all players who finish both missions or purchase the Talios. The other you'll have to pay for.

Ops Lock

These are what tier Talios you can have at each ops level.

Ops Tier
35 1
36 2
38 3
40 4
42 5
44 6
46 7
48 8
50 9
52 10
54 11
56 12

Talios Refinery

Probe Refining Uncommon Borg Solo Armada Directives Credits & Rep
Charged Nanoprobes Active Nanoprobes Independent Credits Faction Credits Faction Reputation
Tier Ops 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest Each w/ Prime 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest Each w/ Prime 1 Chest* Reward 1 Chest Reward w/ Bonus Research 1 Chest Reward w/ Prime 1 Chest Reward w/ Prime
1 35 115,100 510,000 23,000 46,000 92,100 230,200 3,600 7,200 32,000 134 9,375 167 335 9,375 380 760 6,000 80k/-40k/-40k 160k/-80k/-80k
2 36 138,100 552,400 24,000 48,000 110,500 276,200 3,675 7,350 32,000 134 10,625 205 410 10,625 420 840 7,200 105k/-52.5k/-52.5k 210k/-105k/-105k
3 38 165,700 662,900 25,000 50,000 132,600 331,500 3,728 7,455 35,800 140 12,250 230 460 12,250 450 900 9,000 125k/-67.5k/-67.5k 250k/-125k/-125k
4 40 209,600 838,500 27,000 54,000 167,700 419,300 3,780 7,560 49,500 150 13,500 285 570 13,500 545 1,090 10,800 145k/-72.5k/-72.5k 290k/-145k/-145k
5 42 260,100 1,040,600 28,800 57,600 208,100 520,300 4,216 8,432 49,500 150 14,400 330 660 14,400 575 1,150 11,520 290k/-145k/-145k 580k/-290k/-290k
6 44 322,500 1,289,900 29,700 59,400 258,000 645,000 4,274 8,547 49,500 150 14,850 377 754 14,850 605 1,210 11,880 600k/-300k/-300k 1.2M/-600k/-600k
7 46 399,400 1,597,500 33,000 66,000 319,500 798,700 4,331 8,663 60,000 167 16,500 430 860 16,500 635 1,270 13,200 1.2M/-600k/-600k 2.4M/-1.2M/-1.2M
8 48 494,100 1,976,400 42,500 85,000 395,300 988,200 4,763 9,525 75,000 175 21,250 482 964 21,250 665 1,330 17,000 2.3M/-1.15M/-1.15M 4.6M/-2.3M/-2.3M
9 50 610,800 2,443,000 51,000 102,000 488,600 1,221,500 4,763 9,525 90,000 180 25,500 540 1,080 25,500 675 1,350 20,400 4.5M/-2.25M/-2.25M 9M/-4.5M/-4.5M
10 52 715,900 2,863,400 54,250 108,500 572,700 1,431,700 5,239 10,478 105,000 190 27,125 592 1,184 27,125 970 1,940 21,700 8.5M/-4.25M/-4.25M 17M/-8.5M/-8.5M
11 54 833,000 3,293,000 60,000 120,000 658,600 1,646,500 5,498 10,995 125,000 200 30,000 637 1,274 30,000 1,020 2,040 24,000 15M/-7.5M/-7.5M 30M/-15M/-15M
12 58 987,900 3,951,600 70,000 140,000 790,300 1,975,800 5,771 11,543 125,000 200 35,000 687 1,374 35,000 1,090 2,180 28,000 30M/-15M/-15M 60M/-30M/-30M
Compiled by: @JulesVern, @BlueMandalorian and the STFC Community

Days to Tier

Borg Refinery

Probe Refinery


Tier Ops 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest Single Pull Double Pull Triple Pull Single Pull w/ Prime Double Pull w/ Prime Triple Pull w/ Prime 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest Single Pull Double Pull Triple Pull Single Pull w/ Prime Double Pull w/ Prime Triple Pull w/ Prime
1 25 5,000 25,000 50,000 150 300 450 300 600 900 1 1,000 8,000 10,000 50 100 150 100 200 300
2 8,000 45,000 90,000 300 600 900 600 1,200 1,800 3,000 14,000 30,000 150 300 450 300 600 900
3 13,000 65,000 130,000 750 1,500 2,250 1,500 3,000 4,500 3 4,000 20,000 40,000 300 600 900 600 1,200 1,800
4 20,000 110,000 220,000 1,500 3,000 4,500 3,000 6,000 9,000 6,000 35,000 60,000 500 1,000 1,500 1,000 2,000 3,000
5 25,000 130,000 260,000 3,000 6,000 9,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 8,000 40,000 80,000 800 1,600 2,400 1,600 3,200 4,800
6 40,000 210,000 420,000 4,500 9,000 13,500 9,000 18,000 27,000 6 11,000 65,000 110,000 1,100 2,200 3,300 2,200 4,400 6,600
7 55,000 275,000 550,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 12,000 24,000 36,000 15,000 85,000 150,000 1,400 2,800 4,200 2,800 5,600 8,400
8 75,000 385,000 770,000 10,500 21,000 31,500 21,000 42,000 63,000 21,000 120,000 210,000 1,800 3,600 5,400 3,600 7,200 10,800
9 100,000 500,000 1,000,000 15,000 30,000 45,000 30,000 60,000 90,000 9 28,000 155,000 280,000 2,400 4,800 7,200 4,800 9,600 14,400
Compiled by: @JulesVern, @BlueMandalorian and the STFC Community

Vi'dar Talios

Vi'dar Talios Tier Ops 1 Chest 2 Chest Single Double Single Double 1 Chest 2 Chest Single Double Single Double
1 35 115,100 510,000 23,000 46,000 46,000 92,000 1 92,100 230,200 3,600 7,200 7,200 14,400
2 36 138,100 552,400 24,000 48,000 48,000 96,000 110,500 276,200 3,675 7,350 7,350 14,700
3 38 165,700 662,900 25,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 132,600 331,500 3,728 7,456 7,456 14,912
4 40 209,600 838,500 27,000 54,000 54,000 108,000 4 167,700 419,300 3,780 7,560 7,560 15,120
5 42 260,100 1,040,600 28,800 57,600 57,600 115,200 208,100 520,300 4,216 8,432 8,432 16,863
6 44 322,500 1,289,900 29,700 59,400 59,400 118,800 258,000 645,000 4,274 8,547 8,547 17,094
7 46 399,400 1,597,500 33,000 66,000 66,000 132,000 319,500 798,700 4,331 8,663 8,663 17,325
8 48 494,100 1,976,400 42,500 85,000 85,000 170,000 8 395,300 988,200 4,763 9,525 9,525 19,050
9 50 610,800 2,443,000 51,000 102,000 102,000 204,000 488,600 1,221,500 4,763 9,525 9,525 19,050
10 52 715,900 2,863,400 54,250 108,500 108,500 217,000 572,700 1,431,700 5,239 10,478 10,478 20,955
11 54 833,000 3,293,000 60,000 120,000 120,000 240,000 658,600 1,646,500 5,498 10,995 10,995 21,990
12 58 987,900 3,951,600 70,000 140,000 140,000 280,000 12 790,300 1,975,800 5,771 11,543 11,543 23,085
Compiled by: @JulesVern, @BlueMandalorian and the STFC Community


Refinery Possibilities