Officer Breakdown

PIC Riker
Captain Maneuver Base Chance With Command Synergy With Science Synergy With Engineering Synergy
At the start of round, chance to apply Burning for 3 rounds against player ships 90% +1% +5% +5%
Command Synergy Officers Science Synergy Officers Engineering Synergy Officers
PIC Admiral Picard
PIC Admiral Picard
Captain Ability
At the start of round, chance to apply Morale for 3 rounds against player ships
Officer Ability
Increases Weapon Damage on combat start against player Explorer for the duration of combat
500%/ 900%/ 1500%/ 2200%/ 3000%
Lower Deck Ability
PIC Worf
PIC Worf
Captain Ability
At the start of round, chance to apply Hull Breach for 3 rounds against player ships
Officer Ability
Increases Weapon Damage on combat start against player Interceptors for the duration of combat
500%/ 900%/ 1500%/ 2200%/ 3000%
Lower Deck Ability
PIC Beverly Crusher
PIC Beverly Crusher
Captain Ability
Hands ON
Officer Ability
Everytime ship is hit by a weapon, increases Critical Damage (Stacks)
3%/ 4%/ 5%/ 6%/ 8%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases the amount of Broken Ship Parts from hostiles
Officer Tier Level Attack Defense Health Officer Ability Ability Chance
Ensign I 5 100 100 100 Increases Weapon Damage on combat start against player Battleships for the duration of combat 500%
Lieutenant JG II 10 100 240 100 900%
Lieutenant III 15 692 373 426 1500%
Lieutenant Commander IV 20 978 527 602 2200%
Commander V 30 1641 884 1010 3000%
Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3



Trait 1 Missions Trait 2 Missions Trait 3 Missions
Officer Training
R'uustai Ceremony
Form Trade Agreement
Peacekeeping Initiative (Moreau)

Peacekeeping Initiative (Moreau)
Peacekeeping Initiative (Uhura)

Peacekeeping Initiative (Uhura)