
Officer Name Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
Captain Ability
When on an Interceptor and fighting a player with Hull Breach, when scoring a critical, increases Critical Hit Chance
Officer Ability
Whilst on Interceptor and fighting a player with Hull Breach, when scoring a critical, decreases opponent's Critical Hit Damage 3 rounds
25%/ 29%/ 35%/ 42%/ 50%
Lower Deck Ability
Pilot Perceptive
Deanna Troi
Deanna Troi
Captain Ability
Reduces the Crit Chance of Armada Targets
Officer Ability
Increases Weapon Damage against Romulan Hostiles and Armadas
100%/ 150%/ 200%/ 250%/ 300%
Lower Deck Ability
Advisor Perceptive Empathic
Doctor T'Ana
Doctor T'Ana
Captain Ability
Chief Medical Officer
Officer Ability
On round start, chance to apply a random state to enemy player of 3 rounds
40%/ 45%/ 55%/ 75%/ 100%
Lower Deck Ability
On round start, increases Isolytic Defense for 1 round
Doctor Perceptive Fluffy
Kira Nerys
Kira Nerys
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Decreases Shield Mitigation by
4%/ 5%/ 6%/ 8%/ 10%
Lower Deck Ability
Reduce opponent player Critical Hit Chance
Marksman Perceptive
PIC Beverly Crusher
PIC Beverly Crusher
Captain Ability
Hands ON
Officer Ability
Everytime ship is hit by a weapon, increases Critical Damage (Stacks)
3%/ 4%/ 5%/ 6%/ 8%
Lower Deck Ability
Increases the amount of Broken Ship Parts from hostiles
Scientist Perceptive
SNW Ortegas
SNW Ortegas
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Ortegas increases critical hit chance against hostiles
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by % of total Defense when attacking hostile Explorers from a Battleship
500%/ 800%/ 1100%/ 1400%/ 1800%
Lower Deck Ability
Pilot Perceptive
SNW Spock
SNW Spock
Captain Ability
When fighting hostiles, SNW Spock decreases hostile critical hit chance
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by % of total Defense when attacking hostile Interceptors from an Explorer
500%/ 800%/ 1100%/ 1400%/ 1800%
Lower Deck Ability
Scientist Perceptive
Tom Paris
Tom Paris
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
When you take damage from a non-player hostile or armada, Increase Critical Hit Damage for 1 round (cumulative)
5%/ 7%/ 10%/ 15%/ 25%
Lower Deck Ability
At the start of combat against a non-player hostile or Armadas, increase your Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge by a % of Defence
Pilot Perceptive
TOS Sulu
TOS Sulu
Captain Ability
Chance to inspire Morale for 1 round
Officer Ability
Increase Critical Hit Chance each round when on an Explorer that has Morale
6%/ 8%/ 10%/ 12%/ 15%
Lower Deck Ability
Pilot Perceptive
Captain Ability
On round start, chance to apply Morale for 3 rounds when fighting against a player, if on an Explorer
Officer Ability
Increases Weapon Shots at the start of each round, for 2 rounds, when fighting players and on an Explorer with Morale
76%/ 80%/ 88%/ 100%/ 120%
Lower Deck Ability
Chance to apply Hull Breach to non-player or Armada for 1 round
Deceptive Perceptive Mastermind